Re: Solaris 2.3 login

richard oxbrow (
Fri, 12 Aug 1994 19:45:36 +1000

You wrote to me about **Re: Solaris 2.3 login**:
: well i had a bit of a hack around last night with 2.3 login. it seems you
: can set enviroment variables with login such as
: ..
: this will quite hapilly core dump login. now i dont see a huge problem so
: much from this unless of course someone has managed to compromise saf or
: ttymon as well. *shrug* but when it is core dumped it is running as root
: and it does leave a world writeable core in /. im not sure if this would
: make it insecure as i havent had much experience in cracking systems, but
: im sure there are some people out there that can do a fair amount of damage
: given a world writable file owned by root. *shrug* will there be a patch?

Run strings over the core - and see how much of /etc/shadow is in the
core file. You could trying leaving a core file behind and chmod to 
0000 to stop other people from  reading the core file ( if you find bits
of /etc/shadow in the core) ...  and cat /dev/null > /core to zero the

r.oxbrow@ieee.Org 		  "On the Internet, nobody knows you`re a dog."
				   P Steiner, IEEE/The New Yorker 1993